Logo #12 Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Type of dinosaur species: Rex
Length: 40 ft.
Weight: 6-7 tons
Location: North America
Time: 67-65 million years ago, Late Cretaceous
Food: Carnivore; other dinosaurs
Environment: Inland, costal, tropical, and semi-arid plains

Interesting Facts:

  • Scientists theorize that the T. Rex was not a hunter, but rather a scavenger. This is an ongoing debate between scientists. Supporting this theory are the facts that they have not found any healed bit marks from the T. Rex on other dinosaurs, the t-rex's small arms would have been useless to hold down prey, and the dinosaur itself did not move quickly. 
  • More than 50 T. Rex skeletons have been found to date. 
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex means "tyrant lizard king".
  • The T. rex was one of the last dinosaurs left before the mass extinction event. 


Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. The comet seen in this logo is due to the fact that the T. Rex was one of the last dinosaurs left before the mass extinction event. Both in our popular culture and due to scientific fact, the T. Rex is the king of the dinosaurs. The three protrusions from the comet represent a crown only fitting for the "tyrant lizard king". The dinosaur's footprint, represented in the center of the comet, is also an iconic  representation of the dinosaur. The alarming red color was chosen to represent the dangerous threat the dinosaur posed to others living creatures around it, although it is unclear weather this dinosaur was a scavenger or a hunter. Either way, this dinosaur probably made a bloody mess every meal time. The type, "Stencil Std Bold", is bold, heavy, and matter-of-fact, just like the 40 ft. long, 6 ton dinosaur's stature and the perception of the dinosaur.

2. The large "T" emphasized that our culture has abbreviated the Tyrannosaurus Rex to T. Rex. The contracting sizes of the "T" to "Rex" represents the size ratio between the T. Rex's head and body to its tiny arms. The contracting sizes of the "T" to "Rex" also represents how this dinosaur towered over and outweighed the other dinosaurs and creatures present in it's time period. The alarming red color was chosen to represent the dangerous threat the dinosaur posed to others living creatures around it, although it is unclear weather this dinosaur was a scavenger or a hunter. Either way, this dinosaur probably made a bloody mess every meal time. I used the type "Tw Cen MT" for this logo because it is uniformly geometric and heavy.

3. The teeth of the T. Rex were around 1 ft. long, which is the largest tooth yet found of any carnivorous dinosaur. They were like dangerous spikes because they did not have serrated edges. This logo plays off the nature of the T. Rex's teeth and the fact that the massive bite had the power to crush bone (evidenced by bones found in the stomach remains of a T. Rex). The hazardous angles and the alarming red color were chosen to represent the dangerous threat the dinosaur posed to others living creatures around it, although it is unclear weather this dinosaur was a scavenger or a hunter.

Final Logo

I chose to use this logo because it best conveys the nature of the T. Rex, popular cultures opinion of the dinosaur, and distinguishing facts about the dinosaur.


Smith, Dave. "The Tyrant Lizards:The Tyrannosauridae." The Tyrannosauridae. Berkley, 11 Nov. 1995. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/saurischia/tyrannosauridae.html>.

"The Dino Directory - Tyrannosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Tyrannosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/tyrannosaurus.html>.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dinosaur Pictures, Dinosaur Facts - National Geographic." National Geographic. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/prehistoric/tyrannosaurus-rex/>.

Logo # 11 Yinlong


Type of dinosaur species: Downsi
Length: about 3.9ft
Weight: 33 lbs
Location: People's Republic of China
Time: 154-159 million years ago, Mid Jurrasic
Food: Herbivore
Environment: Woodlands of Asia

Interesting Facts:

  • This dinosaur is super small - only about 4 feet long head to tail. 
  •  Yinlong means "hidden dragon"
  • The Yinlong was discovered with 7 plant-grinding stones in it's abdominal cavity.

Top 3 Illustrator Logos



1. The first ever Yinlong was found with 7 plant-grinding stones in it's abdominal cavity. The 7 letters and the 7 shapes represent this fact. The 7 shapes also are in the arrangement of the cavities of the Yinlong's skull, one of its most distinct features. The overall logo has a playful quality to it because the dinosaur was a super small funny-looking herbivore. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog. The type I chose for this one, called "Righteous", matches the circular shapes and provides a base for the logo. The type is arranged in a way that indicates the dinosaur's jaw.

2. The Yinlong's head is rather geometric and square from the front perspective. The three shapes indicate the shape of the head from the front perspective. In the negative space, the shapes form a "Y" letter, the first letter of the Yinlong's name. The type, called "Arial Black" matches the solid, geometric quality of the shapes above it. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog.

3. This logo mimics the shape of the Yinlong's skull, its most distinctive feature. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog. The type, called "Inknut Antiqua", matches the thick and thin balance going on in the render of the Yinlong's skull.

 Final Logo

I chose this logo because it is the most put together out of all the other logos. It is not a literal representation of the Yinlong, which works to the Yinlong's advantage. 


Strauss, Bob. "Yinlong Facts." About.com Education. About Education, 18 Jan. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/herbivorousdinosaurs/p/Yinlong.htm>.

"The Dino Directory - Yinlong - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Yinlong - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/yinlong.html>.

"Yinlong". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <http://www.britannica.com/animal/Yinlong>. 

Logo #10 Lambeosaurus

Type of dinosaur species: Lambei
Length: 31 ft.
Weight: 5.6 tons
Location: Canada
Time: 76-74 million years ago, Late Cretaceous
Food: Herbivore; plant material
Environment: Rivers and swampy floodplains

Interesting Facts:

  • The hatchet shaped crest on top of the dinosaur's head was probably used for noise making or identification. 
  • Scientists found several scale impressions and determined that they belonged to the Lambeosaurus.
  • The Lambeosaurus has a duckbill. 


Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. This type logo is based on the hatchet shape of the Lambeosaurus' most distinguishing physical characteristic, it's crest. Because the dinosaur itself is was a non-threatening herbivore with a beak and an oddly-shaped crest on top of its head, I made this logo non-threatening and a bit goofy. The orange color is a color that may have been one of the bright colors on the crest.

2. The hatchet shaped crest on the top of the Lameosaurus' head was theorized to have made noise and act as a method of inter species communication. The rings around the dinosaur's name indicate the sound waves emanating from the dinosaur. They also symbolise the rows, also called batteries, of teeth the dinosaur had. The orange color is a color that may have been one of the bright colors on the crest. The font, Fabada, has rounded serifs and a personality that matches the visual style of the other elements.

3. This type based logo mimics the hatchet shape of the Lambeosaurus' most distinguishing physical characteristic, it's crest. The orange color is a color that may have been one of the bright colors on the crest. The type, Nexa Bold, provided a solid base for the graphic that matches the clean, rounded style of the crest icon.

Final Logo


Strauss, Bob. "Meet Lambeosaurus, the Hatchet-Crested Dinosaur."About.com Education. About Education, 18 Sept. 2015. Web. 13 Apr. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/typesofdinosaurs/ss/Lambeosaurus-the-Hatchet-Crested-Dinosaur.htm>.

"The Dino Directory - Lambeosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Lambeosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/lambeosaurus.html>.

Logo #9 Cryolophosaurus

Type of dinosaur species: Elliotti
Length: 21.3 ft.
Weight: 1,025 lbs.
Location: Antarctica
Time: 170 million years ago, Early Jurrassic
Food: Carnivore; other animals
Environment: Volcanic forests

Interesting Facts:

  • The Crolophosaurus was the one of the first dinosaurs discovered in Antarctica.
  • The comb on the top of the dinosaur's head had earned it the nickname "Elvisaurus" because it reminds people of Elvis' hair. 
  • The Crolophosaurus was the top predator in Antarctica.


Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. This logo evokes how the Cryolophosaurus skeleton was found (in pieces in the Antarctic). The triangles hanging from the bottom of the skull represent icicles. The deep red color is meant to convey that this was an aggressive and predatory dinosaur. The type, called "Anton", is authoritative and heavy to both balance the triangles and convey the nature of the dinosaur.

2. The most distinguishing part of the Cryolophosaurus is it's comb at the top of its head. This logo is the comb reflected on either side of the dinosaurs name. The logo also has a tropical feel to indicate the environment the dinosaur lived in (a tropical, volcanic jungle). The red color is meant to convey that this was an aggressive and predatory dinosaur. The type, called "Overlock", is heavy and curvy to balance the style of the comb.

3. The comb on the head of the Cryolophosaurus is the dinosaur's most distinctive feature. For that reason this logo features the shape of the comb at the top of the "C". The sharp, but organic, angles stand for the Cryolophosaurus claws and teeth.  The red color is meant to convey that this was an aggressive and predatory dinosaur. The type, called "Anton", is authoritative and heavy to both balance the triangles and convey the nature of the dinosaur.

Final Logo

I chose logo #3 because it showcases the Cryolophosaurus' most important feature (the comb on the top of the dinosaur's head). The logo is organic, bold, and subtly aggressive.  

Mancini, Mark. "10 Chilly Facts About Cryolophosaurus." Mental Floss. Mental Floss, 29 Aug. 2014. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <http://mentalfloss.com/article/58641/10-chilly-facts-about-cryolophosaurus>.

Strauss, Bob. "Meet Cryolophosaurus, the "Cold-Crested Lizard""About.com Education. About Education, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/typesofdinosaurs/ss/10-Facts-About-Cryolophosaurus.htm#step11>.

"The Dino Directory - Cryolophosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Cryolophosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/cryolophosaurus.html>.

Logo #8 Triceratops


Type of dinosaur species: Chasmosaurine
Length: 26-29 ft
Weight: 6-12 tons
Location: USA
Time: 67-65 million years ago, Late Cretaceous
Food: Herbivore; tough palm fronds
Environment: Heavy tropical vegetation

Interesting Facts:

  • The Triceratops is often compared to the modern-day rhinoceros.
  • The dinosaurs teeth were arranged in groups called "batteries".
  • Scientists theorize that the frill of the Triceratops was used for identification and courtship. The frill was probably brightly colored.

Top 3 Illustrator Logos


1. This logo strongly identifies with the three horns of the Triceratops. The 16 dashes located at the bottom of the logo represent the 16 types of dinosaurs in the Chasmosaurine species. The angles at the bottom of the logo represent the mountains that were a major part of the dinosaur's habitat in Western North America. The type is a modified version of the PanAm Text. I chose to use this font because it is bold and has a strong base just like the Triceratops. The distinctive serifs are reminiscent of the horns of the Triceratops.

2. The 4 mountains in the back represent the 4 toes on the back of the Triceratops' feet. The mountains also represent the dinosaur's habitat in Western North America. The 7 white stripes at the bottom of the logo in addition to the 4 mountains represent the 47 complete Triceratops skulls fount in Hell Creek from 2000-2010. The 16 waves on the frill represent the 16 types of dinosaurs in the Chasmosaurine species. The dinosaur heat shown eating the palm fronds indicate the dinosaur's physical characteristics and it's diet. I chose the type, called "Righteous",  because it matches the uniform, bold, and rounded nature of the rest of the logo.

3. This logo features the horns and frill (the distinctive physical characteristics that identify the the triceratops). The dashes between the horns represent the Triceratops' batteries of teeth. the number or dashes, 26, represents the estimated length of the dinosaur species. The vegetation on either side of the horns represent the palm fronds that were a major staple of the Triceratops' diet. While this dinosaur was a herbivore, it was one of the largest land dinosaurs in its time period. Therefore the logo is bold and heavy. The bright orange color signifies the theory that the frill was brightly colored.  I chose the type, called "Eurostile",  because it matches the uniform, bold, and rounded nature of the rest of the logo.

Final Logo

I chose logo #3 because is balanced and embodies the most important characteristics of the Triceratops.


"The Dino Directory - Triceratops - Natural History Museum." 
The Dino Directory - Triceratops - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/triceratops.html>.

"Triceratops Horridus, Dinosaur Pictures, Dinosaur Facts - National Geographic." National Geographic. 1996-2016 National Geographic Society., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016. <http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/prehistoric/triceratops-horridus/>.