Logo # 11 Yinlong


Type of dinosaur species: Downsi
Length: about 3.9ft
Weight: 33 lbs
Location: People's Republic of China
Time: 154-159 million years ago, Mid Jurrasic
Food: Herbivore
Environment: Woodlands of Asia

Interesting Facts:

  • This dinosaur is super small - only about 4 feet long head to tail. 
  •  Yinlong means "hidden dragon"
  • The Yinlong was discovered with 7 plant-grinding stones in it's abdominal cavity.

Top 3 Illustrator Logos



1. The first ever Yinlong was found with 7 plant-grinding stones in it's abdominal cavity. The 7 letters and the 7 shapes represent this fact. The 7 shapes also are in the arrangement of the cavities of the Yinlong's skull, one of its most distinct features. The overall logo has a playful quality to it because the dinosaur was a super small funny-looking herbivore. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog. The type I chose for this one, called "Righteous", matches the circular shapes and provides a base for the logo. The type is arranged in a way that indicates the dinosaur's jaw.

2. The Yinlong's head is rather geometric and square from the front perspective. The three shapes indicate the shape of the head from the front perspective. In the negative space, the shapes form a "Y" letter, the first letter of the Yinlong's name. The type, called "Arial Black" matches the solid, geometric quality of the shapes above it. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog.

3. This logo mimics the shape of the Yinlong's skull, its most distinctive feature. I chose the light green color to indicate the lighthearted nature of this dinosaur compared to other dinosaurs, and because the Yinlong looks somewhat like a frog. The type, called "Inknut Antiqua", matches the thick and thin balance going on in the render of the Yinlong's skull.

 Final Logo

I chose this logo because it is the most put together out of all the other logos. It is not a literal representation of the Yinlong, which works to the Yinlong's advantage. 


Strauss, Bob. "Yinlong Facts." About.com Education. About Education, 18 Jan. 2016. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/herbivorousdinosaurs/p/Yinlong.htm>.

"The Dino Directory - Yinlong - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Yinlong - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/yinlong.html>.

"Yinlong". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 25 Apr. 2016. <http://www.britannica.com/animal/Yinlong>. 

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