Logo #2 Torvosaurus


Type of dinosaur: Megalosauridae
Length: 33 ft.
Weight: 11023 pounds
Location: North America, Portugal
Time: 153-148 million years ago, Jurassic Period
Food: Carnivore; ate large plant eating dinosaurs
Environment: Extensive wetlands and marine environment

Interesting facts:

  • The Torvosaurus was the top predator in it's location.
  • The Torvosaurus is one of the largest discovered dinosaurs of the Jurassic Period
  • The dinosaur is sinuous and low to the ground, making it easy for it to move among the plant life. 


My objective while sketching was to depict the Torvosaurus as a ferocious predator, define its unique characteristics (small arms, rounded head), and indicate the location it was found (Colorado Rockies).

Top 3 Illustrator logos

  1. This sketch shows the Torvosaurus' carnivorous nature. Another dinasour, the Torvosaurus' prey, is reflected in the eye of the Torvosaurus' as it is watched. The scales around the eye indicate a possible skin surface of the Torvosaurus. The type is sharp and menacing, to reflect the dinosaur's predatory nature. 
  2. This logo shows the dinosaur with it's half-eaten prey. The contrast of the Torvosaurus, in black to display menace, to its innocent prey, in white to display its innocence, indicates that the Torvosaurus was the top predator in its area. The type is somewhat elongated and uniform, to reflect the form of the dinosaur. 
  3. This last logo shows the dinosaur's full form and the location it was first discovered (the Colorado Rockies). Sharp angles are used instead of soft angles to indicate the dinosaur's predatory nature.

Final logo:

This logo reflects the ferocity of this dinosaur more than the other two logos. This logo indicates that this dinosaur was at the top of the food chain. 


Dell'Amore, National Geographic PUBLISHED March 05, 2014, Christine. "Largest Known
Predatory Dinosaur in Europe Found, Was "Big Bruiser"" National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

Hendrickx, Christophe, and Octávio Mateus. "Torvosaurus Gurneyi N. Sp., the Largest Terrestrial Predator from Europe, and a Proposed Terminology of the Maxilla Anatomy in Nonavian Theropods." PLOS ONE: Torvosaurus Gurneyi N. Sp., the Largest Terrestrial Predator from Europe, and a Proposed Terminology of the Maxilla Anatomy in Nonavian Theropods. PLOS, 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

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