Logo #3 Chirostenotes

Type of dinosaur: Oviraptorosaur
Length: 13.2 ft
Weight: 200lbs
Location: Canada and North America
Time: 79-67 million years ago, Late Jurassic
Food: Omnivore; eggs, small animals, insects, grasses, and leaves
Environment: Rocky planes and valleys with rivers running through and lots of plant life

Interesting facts:

  • Three skeletal pieces (the head, hands, and feet) of this dinosaur have been discovered so far.  
  • The hands consist of three very long bony fingers. The longest of the three, theorized by some scientists, was used for probing insect homes. 
  • This dinosaur belongs to a family of bird-like dinosaurs that are feathered and lay eggs. 



Top 3 Illustrator logos:



1. Three eggs showed that the Chirostenotes laid eggs itself.  The eggs also represent that this dinosaur's diet consisted of other animal's eggs. The three eggs in the icon represent the three discovered skeleton pieces of this dinosaur (head, hands, and feet). The three eggs also represent the three fingers in each of this dinosaur's hands, which are the most iconic feature of the Chirostenotes. The cross-hatch pattern seen on two eggs gives them depth and also is reminiscent of the structured, lightweight cartilage in feathers (this dinosaur most likely had feathers). Since this dinosaur was a bird with showy feathers, the color red was a likely somewhere on the Cirostenotes' body. So, rather than using a blood-red that might seem predatory, a bright fuchsia was used to convey showiness. 

2. The head of the dinosaur is iconic because it had no teeth, large eyes, a beak, and a comb on top of its head. The three neck pieces symbolize the three discovered skeleton pieces of this dinosaur (head, hands, and feet) and the three appendages of its iconic hands. 

3. This logo represents what we know today about this dinosaur. The three pieces are in the shape of the skull. The three pieces represent the three fingers in the hand and the three discovered skeleton parts. The color is a showy fuchsia to represent the bird-like nature of the Cirostenotes.

Final logo:

I chose this logo over the others because it contains the most symbolism and visual interest.


"Chirostenotes Dinosaur." Chirostenotes Dinosaur. Dinosaur Facts, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.dinosaurfact.net/Cretaceous/Chirostenotes.php>.

"The Dino Directory - Chirostenotes - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Chirostenotes - Natural History Museum. Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/chirostenotes.html>

"Walking with Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Planet 3D | BBC Earth | Movies | BBC Earth." BBC Earth. BBC Earth, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.bbcearth.com/prehistoricplanet/modal/chirostenotes/>.

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