Logo #4 Irritator

Type of dinosaur: Spinosaurid
Length: 6-8 meters
Weight: One ton
Location: Brazil
Time: 112-99 million years ago, Early Cretaceous
Food: Carnivore; fish and small mammals 
Environment: Black swamp

Interesting Facts:
  • Poachers discovered the skull of this dinosaur in Brazil around the year 1996. The poachers modified the skull with plaster and sold it. The scientist found it so irritating to find the original form of the skull in the plaster that they named the species "Irritator". 
  • Irritator is similar to a prehistoric crocodile.
  • Only one skull has been discovered, maybe some vertebrae. 


Top 4 Illustrator Logos

1. The "I" at the beginning of the logo is also shaped like the number "1", signifying the one Irritator fossil found. The jagged pieces of each letter represent that the dinosaur was found in pieces. The type also has an agitated feel, meant to mimic the feeling of irritation. The green color is traditionally used to represent swamps, jungles, or alligators. 

2. Discovered parts of the Irritator skull are in black, while the filled-in (imagined) parts of the skull are identified by diagonal lines. The type is just being touched by the teeth to create a feeling of tension or irritation. The green color is traditionally used to represent swamps, jungles, or alligators.

3. Since the dinosaur was found in Brazil, the basic shapes (the circle in the center and the diamond) were implemented into this logo. The leaves pattern evokes some sense of the dinosaur's habitat. The use of both the words "Irritator" and "Challenergi" give the audience both the dinosaur's name and it's species. The different greens are pulled from Brazil's flag, give the logo some contrast, and give some indication of the environment this dinosaur came from. The one discovered skull of the dinosaur is in the center of the logo, as it is the most important, and only, piece of archeological data we have for the dinosaur.  

4. One long descender on the left of this typographic logo signifies the one skull of this dinosaur found. The incompleteness of the other letters mimic the incomplete information about the Irritator and incomplete Irritator skeleton.

Final logo

I chose this logo because this logo has more personality, symbolism, and information than the other logos. Plus it would look super cool on a t-shirt.

Moore, Randy. "Dinosaurs by the Decades: A Chronology of the Dinosaur in Science and Popular Culture." Google Books. ABC-CLIO. Copyright, 23 July 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=WPeCBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA341&lpg=PA341&dq=irritator%2Bdinosaur%2Bskull%2Bin%2Bplaster&source=bl&ots=9TPnHqRZc8&sig=yzZXVlVgey4BuB4Z8NDeaqdW09s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdkdS52srLAhUDGh4KHTkVBCYQ6AEIPDAI#v=onepage&q=irritator%20dinosaur%20skull%20in%20plaster&f=false>.

Strauss, Bob. "Irritator Facts." About.com Education. About Education, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/carnivorousdinosaurs/p/irritator.htm>.

"The Dino Directory - Irritator - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Irritator - Natural History Museum. Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/irritator.html>.

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