Logo #5 Nodosaurus

Nodosaurus _________________________________________________________________________________
Type of dinosaur: Textilis
Length: 13-20 ft.
Weight: 1 ton
Location: North America
Time: 110-100 million years ago, Early Cretaceous
Food: Herbivore; soft plants
Environment: Closed-canopy forests

Interesting Facts:

  • The Nodosaurus is an armored dinosaur that likely protected itself by lying on its stomach, only exposing the armored shell on its back (much like the modern-day armadillo). 
  • Some of the discovered armored plates on its back measure over one inch thick!
  • This dinosaur was featured in Land Before Time as the character "Nod".


 Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. The representation is the dinosaur shows its unique skeleton, armor, and body structure. Despite this dinosaurs hostile appearance, it was a slow-moving herbivore. Therefore, a "cute" stylized version of this dinosaur seemed appropriate for its representation. The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The DIN Alternate Bold type has a square and rounded quality that mimics the characteristics of the illustration.

2. The texture on the sphere is representative of the Nodosaurus' armor. The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The lines give balance to the text and the sphere, and give the sphere a motion (like its the comet that is theorized to be responisble for the donosaur's extinction). The type, Carter One, has a varying wight that matches the varying wight of the strokes around each plate in the sphere.

3. The plates at the top of the arch come from the back of the Nodosaurus' skeleton. They are also representative of the nobbed plates that protected the Nodosaurus. The two lines underneath from an "N", which can represent the first letter of the word "Nodosaurus" and "North America" (which is where the Nodosaurus was found). The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The typeface's kerning reflects how tight the plates fit together. The typeface is also mimics the stature of the "N".

Final Logo


"Nodosaurus Textilis." Dinosaur Museum. Earth History Research Center, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. <http://dinosaur.swau.edu/dinosaurs/nodosaurus-textilis/>.

"The Dino Directory - Nodosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Nodosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/nodosaurus.html>.

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