Logo #6 Wuerhosaurus


Type of dinosaur species: Homheni
Length: 23 feet
Weight: 4 tons
Location: People's Republic of China, Asia
Time: 137-99 million years ago Early Cretacous
Food: Herbivore; low-growing vegetation
Environment: Open woodlands

Interesting Facts:

  • Only partial skeletons of this dinosaur have been found. The shape of the plates on its back are only speculated. The spikes on it's tail may have been on its shoulder instead. 
  • The spike formation at the end of this dinosaur's tail is called a "thagomizer" and was used for self-defense. 
  • Width of this dinosaurs pelvis and the total height of the dinosaur suggests to scientists that it had a large stomach and fed on plants low to the ground. 



Top 3 Illustrator Logos


1. The general half circle shape of the dinosaur represents its silhouette. The rectangular plates on top depict one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the dinosaur. The sharp spikes within the half circle represent the dinosaur's ribs, the spikes on the end of its tail, and the vegetation it ate. The deep red color was chosen to indicate the dinosaur was found in Asia. Although the dinosaur lived millions of years before human culture associated this red with Asia, the purpose of this logo is to educate humans about where this dinosaur came from. The typeface matches the illustration style.

2. The spikes on this logo highlight the spiky tail of this dinosaur in an Art Nouveau style. Since Art Nouveau was a result of Asian culture and woodblock prints influencing Western art and this dinosaur is an Asian dinosaur translated into a logo for a Western audiences, a logo in this style was appropriate. The typeface, although not a typeface used in the Art Nouveau era, mimics the forms of that design era and the design era it inspired- the psychedelic posters of the 70s. The deep red color was chosen to indicate the dinosaur was found in Asia.

3. This logo fully embraces the Western culture's view of early Asia with the deep red color and the geometric shapes. The diamond represent the plates on this dinosaur's back and the spikes represent the spikes found either on its tail or shoulders. The type matches the pieced-together geometric forms of the illustration.

Final Logo

I chose logo #1 because it represents the dinosaurs low and wide stature, where it came from, and the distinguishing characteristics of its skeleton.


Eskilson, Stephen. "Graphic Design." Google Books. Yale University Press, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=Kmx6qBz_l68C&pg=PA174&lpg=PA174&dq=art%2Bnouveau%2Binfluence%2Bfrom%2Basia&source=bl&ots=yqCsBxEwrM&sig=uod3_f8EOHq1O8OgFxir-udrj0M&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJyvrcy97LAhXGqx4KHX87CSQQ6AEIPzAF#v=onepage&q=art%20nouveau%20influence%20from%20asia&f=false>.

"The Dino Directory - Wuerhosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Wuerhosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/wuerhosaurus.html>.

the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. "Wuerhosaurus" 20 March 2008
.HowStuffWorks.com. <http://animals.howstuffworks.com/dinosaurs/wuerhosaurus.htm>

24 March 2016

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