Logo #7 Edmontonia


Type of dinosaur species: Regalis
Length: 22 ft
Weight: 3.5 tons
Location: Canada
Time: 76-65 million years ago, Late Cretaceous
Food: Herbavore
Environment: Floodplain


Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. The tooth of the Edmontonia dinosaur resembles a leaf. This dinosaur was also a armored herbivore. This leaf shape also represents what it ate and the shape of it's armor plates.

2. This "E" represents the spikes that protected this armor. This dinosaur's spikes are interesting because they faced both backward and forward.

3. This is the skull of the Edmontonia. The Edmontonia has a head that looks a lot like a sheep.

Final Logo

Crowley, Maggie, and Kitty Blount. "Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life." Google Books. Penguin. Copyright., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=a8bQxpPqmQgC&pg=PA175&lpg=PA175&dq=edmontonia%2Bskull&source=bl&ots=WPWZRLLUQA&sig=ZDEIOP9NkExt4zPat32hdjdrGHw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjNldS05t7LAhVCox4KHewOBewQ6AEIbDAN#v=onepage&q=edmontonia%20skull&f=false>.

"The Dino Directory - Edmontosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Edmontosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/edmontosaurus.html>.

"Walking with Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Planet 3D | BBC Earth | Movies | BBC Earth." BBC Earth. BBC Earth, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <http://www.bbcearth.com/prehistoricplanet/modal/edmontonia/>.

Logo #6 Wuerhosaurus


Type of dinosaur species: Homheni
Length: 23 feet
Weight: 4 tons
Location: People's Republic of China, Asia
Time: 137-99 million years ago Early Cretacous
Food: Herbivore; low-growing vegetation
Environment: Open woodlands

Interesting Facts:

  • Only partial skeletons of this dinosaur have been found. The shape of the plates on its back are only speculated. The spikes on it's tail may have been on its shoulder instead. 
  • The spike formation at the end of this dinosaur's tail is called a "thagomizer" and was used for self-defense. 
  • Width of this dinosaurs pelvis and the total height of the dinosaur suggests to scientists that it had a large stomach and fed on plants low to the ground. 



Top 3 Illustrator Logos


1. The general half circle shape of the dinosaur represents its silhouette. The rectangular plates on top depict one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the dinosaur. The sharp spikes within the half circle represent the dinosaur's ribs, the spikes on the end of its tail, and the vegetation it ate. The deep red color was chosen to indicate the dinosaur was found in Asia. Although the dinosaur lived millions of years before human culture associated this red with Asia, the purpose of this logo is to educate humans about where this dinosaur came from. The typeface matches the illustration style.

2. The spikes on this logo highlight the spiky tail of this dinosaur in an Art Nouveau style. Since Art Nouveau was a result of Asian culture and woodblock prints influencing Western art and this dinosaur is an Asian dinosaur translated into a logo for a Western audiences, a logo in this style was appropriate. The typeface, although not a typeface used in the Art Nouveau era, mimics the forms of that design era and the design era it inspired- the psychedelic posters of the 70s. The deep red color was chosen to indicate the dinosaur was found in Asia.

3. This logo fully embraces the Western culture's view of early Asia with the deep red color and the geometric shapes. The diamond represent the plates on this dinosaur's back and the spikes represent the spikes found either on its tail or shoulders. The type matches the pieced-together geometric forms of the illustration.

Final Logo

I chose logo #1 because it represents the dinosaurs low and wide stature, where it came from, and the distinguishing characteristics of its skeleton.


Eskilson, Stephen. "Graphic Design." Google Books. Yale University Press, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=Kmx6qBz_l68C&pg=PA174&lpg=PA174&dq=art%2Bnouveau%2Binfluence%2Bfrom%2Basia&source=bl&ots=yqCsBxEwrM&sig=uod3_f8EOHq1O8OgFxir-udrj0M&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJyvrcy97LAhXGqx4KHX87CSQQ6AEIPzAF#v=onepage&q=art%20nouveau%20influence%20from%20asia&f=false>.

"The Dino Directory - Wuerhosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Wuerhosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/wuerhosaurus.html>.

the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. "Wuerhosaurus" 20 March 2008
.HowStuffWorks.com. <http://animals.howstuffworks.com/dinosaurs/wuerhosaurus.htm>

24 March 2016

Logo #5 Nodosaurus

Nodosaurus _________________________________________________________________________________
Type of dinosaur: Textilis
Length: 13-20 ft.
Weight: 1 ton
Location: North America
Time: 110-100 million years ago, Early Cretaceous
Food: Herbivore; soft plants
Environment: Closed-canopy forests

Interesting Facts:

  • The Nodosaurus is an armored dinosaur that likely protected itself by lying on its stomach, only exposing the armored shell on its back (much like the modern-day armadillo). 
  • Some of the discovered armored plates on its back measure over one inch thick!
  • This dinosaur was featured in Land Before Time as the character "Nod".


 Top 3 Illustrator Logos

1. The representation is the dinosaur shows its unique skeleton, armor, and body structure. Despite this dinosaurs hostile appearance, it was a slow-moving herbivore. Therefore, a "cute" stylized version of this dinosaur seemed appropriate for its representation. The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The DIN Alternate Bold type has a square and rounded quality that mimics the characteristics of the illustration.

2. The texture on the sphere is representative of the Nodosaurus' armor. The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The lines give balance to the text and the sphere, and give the sphere a motion (like its the comet that is theorized to be responisble for the donosaur's extinction). The type, Carter One, has a varying wight that matches the varying wight of the strokes around each plate in the sphere.

3. The plates at the top of the arch come from the back of the Nodosaurus' skeleton. They are also representative of the nobbed plates that protected the Nodosaurus. The two lines underneath from an "N", which can represent the first letter of the word "Nodosaurus" and "North America" (which is where the Nodosaurus was found). The brown color reflects the likely color of its armor. The typeface's kerning reflects how tight the plates fit together. The typeface is also mimics the stature of the "N".

Final Logo


"Nodosaurus Textilis." Dinosaur Museum. Earth History Research Center, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. <http://dinosaur.swau.edu/dinosaurs/nodosaurus-textilis/>.

"The Dino Directory - Nodosaurus - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Nodosaurus - Natural History Museum. The Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/nodosaurus.html>.

Logo #4 Irritator

Type of dinosaur: Spinosaurid
Length: 6-8 meters
Weight: One ton
Location: Brazil
Time: 112-99 million years ago, Early Cretaceous
Food: Carnivore; fish and small mammals 
Environment: Black swamp

Interesting Facts:
  • Poachers discovered the skull of this dinosaur in Brazil around the year 1996. The poachers modified the skull with plaster and sold it. The scientist found it so irritating to find the original form of the skull in the plaster that they named the species "Irritator". 
  • Irritator is similar to a prehistoric crocodile.
  • Only one skull has been discovered, maybe some vertebrae. 


Top 4 Illustrator Logos

1. The "I" at the beginning of the logo is also shaped like the number "1", signifying the one Irritator fossil found. The jagged pieces of each letter represent that the dinosaur was found in pieces. The type also has an agitated feel, meant to mimic the feeling of irritation. The green color is traditionally used to represent swamps, jungles, or alligators. 

2. Discovered parts of the Irritator skull are in black, while the filled-in (imagined) parts of the skull are identified by diagonal lines. The type is just being touched by the teeth to create a feeling of tension or irritation. The green color is traditionally used to represent swamps, jungles, or alligators.

3. Since the dinosaur was found in Brazil, the basic shapes (the circle in the center and the diamond) were implemented into this logo. The leaves pattern evokes some sense of the dinosaur's habitat. The use of both the words "Irritator" and "Challenergi" give the audience both the dinosaur's name and it's species. The different greens are pulled from Brazil's flag, give the logo some contrast, and give some indication of the environment this dinosaur came from. The one discovered skull of the dinosaur is in the center of the logo, as it is the most important, and only, piece of archeological data we have for the dinosaur.  

4. One long descender on the left of this typographic logo signifies the one skull of this dinosaur found. The incompleteness of the other letters mimic the incomplete information about the Irritator and incomplete Irritator skeleton.

Final logo

I chose this logo because this logo has more personality, symbolism, and information than the other logos. Plus it would look super cool on a t-shirt.

Moore, Randy. "Dinosaurs by the Decades: A Chronology of the Dinosaur in Science and Popular Culture." Google Books. ABC-CLIO. Copyright, 23 July 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=WPeCBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA341&lpg=PA341&dq=irritator%2Bdinosaur%2Bskull%2Bin%2Bplaster&source=bl&ots=9TPnHqRZc8&sig=yzZXVlVgey4BuB4Z8NDeaqdW09s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdkdS52srLAhUDGh4KHTkVBCYQ6AEIPDAI#v=onepage&q=irritator%20dinosaur%20skull%20in%20plaster&f=false>.

Strauss, Bob. "Irritator Facts." About.com Education. About Education, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <http://dinosaurs.about.com/od/carnivorousdinosaurs/p/irritator.htm>.

"The Dino Directory - Irritator - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Irritator - Natural History Museum. Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/irritator.html>.

Logo #3 Chirostenotes

Type of dinosaur: Oviraptorosaur
Length: 13.2 ft
Weight: 200lbs
Location: Canada and North America
Time: 79-67 million years ago, Late Jurassic
Food: Omnivore; eggs, small animals, insects, grasses, and leaves
Environment: Rocky planes and valleys with rivers running through and lots of plant life

Interesting facts:

  • Three skeletal pieces (the head, hands, and feet) of this dinosaur have been discovered so far.  
  • The hands consist of three very long bony fingers. The longest of the three, theorized by some scientists, was used for probing insect homes. 
  • This dinosaur belongs to a family of bird-like dinosaurs that are feathered and lay eggs. 



Top 3 Illustrator logos:



1. Three eggs showed that the Chirostenotes laid eggs itself.  The eggs also represent that this dinosaur's diet consisted of other animal's eggs. The three eggs in the icon represent the three discovered skeleton pieces of this dinosaur (head, hands, and feet). The three eggs also represent the three fingers in each of this dinosaur's hands, which are the most iconic feature of the Chirostenotes. The cross-hatch pattern seen on two eggs gives them depth and also is reminiscent of the structured, lightweight cartilage in feathers (this dinosaur most likely had feathers). Since this dinosaur was a bird with showy feathers, the color red was a likely somewhere on the Cirostenotes' body. So, rather than using a blood-red that might seem predatory, a bright fuchsia was used to convey showiness. 

2. The head of the dinosaur is iconic because it had no teeth, large eyes, a beak, and a comb on top of its head. The three neck pieces symbolize the three discovered skeleton pieces of this dinosaur (head, hands, and feet) and the three appendages of its iconic hands. 

3. This logo represents what we know today about this dinosaur. The three pieces are in the shape of the skull. The three pieces represent the three fingers in the hand and the three discovered skeleton parts. The color is a showy fuchsia to represent the bird-like nature of the Cirostenotes.

Final logo:

I chose this logo over the others because it contains the most symbolism and visual interest.


"Chirostenotes Dinosaur." Chirostenotes Dinosaur. Dinosaur Facts, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.dinosaurfact.net/Cretaceous/Chirostenotes.php>.

"The Dino Directory - Chirostenotes - Natural History Museum." The Dino Directory - Chirostenotes - Natural History Museum. Natural History Museum, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/dino-directory/chirostenotes.html>

"Walking with Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Planet 3D | BBC Earth | Movies | BBC Earth." BBC Earth. BBC Earth, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2016. <http://www.bbcearth.com/prehistoricplanet/modal/chirostenotes/>.